• Lukas Richarz est céramiste à Caen, n’hésitez pas à aller faire un tour sur son site, ce qu’il fait est vraiment beau. 


  • La sortie d’un nouvel album de Ripley Johnson est toujours une bonne nouvelle. Que ce soit avec Wooden Shjips, Moon Duo, ou encore Rose City Band, son dernier groupe qui sent bon le soleil, les road-trips et les copains. La pochette est assez représentative de l’ambiance, et c’est pile ce qu’il nous faut pour finir de traverser l’hiver.


  • The Boss OD-3 was the first pedal I bought, 25 years ago I think. It has endured severe treatment, lots of rehearsal and shows without fail. I always thought it did the job though I knew something better existed somewhere.

    I then tested many candidates for its replacement, bought and resold ts9 variants, klon clones, mxr gt-od, ehx soulfood, crowther hot cake… Nothing wrong with all these pedals, but nothing magic either, and I always returned to my good old od-3. 

    As the boss recently showed signs of fatigue, I resumed my search and stumbled across the Green Rhino from Way Huge, a name I had heard back in the 90’s. I pulled the trigger and have no regrets. It has something very unique in its sound, a laid back character that really suits my style. The form factor is really cool, and the look is great. Even the packaging is great !

    The quest is over I guess. For now.

  • En vrac, les albums sortis en novembre qui m’ont le plus chatouillé les oreilles. Des noms familiers, mais aussi quelques nouveaux venus.

    • Good Morning – The Accident
    • James Blackshaw – Unraveling In Your Hands
    • Simon Joyner – Coyote Butterfly
    • Father John Misty – Mahashmashana
    • Jeff Parker – The Way Out of Easy
    • Nick Wheeldon – Make Art
    • Michael Kiwanuka – Small Changes
    • Warmduscher – Too Cold to Hold
    • Garciaphone – Ghost Fire
    • The Cure – Songs of a Lost World
    • Haley Heinderickx – Seed of a Seed
    • SW Hedrick – Devotional Drift, Vol. 1
    • Tomin – A Willed and Conscious Balance
    • Bonnie « Prince » Billy, Nathan Salsburg & Tyler Trotter – Hear the Children Sing the Evidence

  • Just discovered « Oblique Strategies », by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt.

    This set of cards is a tool to help artists and musicians through their creative process. Maybe it’s already massively known, I don’t know. Interesting though. They still sell the set on Brian Eno’s website.


  • This is how I managed to use the Nostalgic Neg profile on my x-t4 files. I think maybe it will help some other fujifilm photographers. So, this is what I did. Just remember I’m not a computer guy, it was a bit of a lucky guess.

    First, find the “Nostalgic Neg” .xmp profile file for the X-T5. On macOS right click on the Lightroom Classic app and select “show package content” Then go to Contents—>Resources—>Settings—>Adobe—>Profiles—>Camera—>Fujifilm—>Fujifilm X-T5

    Copy this file elsewhere, and open the copy in a text editor (I used Brackets).

    Replace the line crs:CameraModelRestriction=“Fujifilm X-T5” by crs:CameraModelRestriction=“”

    Also, change the name of the profile on line  Camera NOSTALGIC Neg. Replace it by Camera NOSTALGIC Neg 2 for example.

    Then save the file, make sure the extension remains “.xmp”. Finally import the profile in Lightroom via the file menu, and it should work.

  • I haven’t been listening to a lot of new music lately, but here are some releases from October that I really liked.

    • The Smile “Cutouts”
    • The Hard Quartet “The Hard Quartet”
    • Christopher Owens “I Wanna Run Barefoot Through Your Hair”
    • The Necks “Bleed”
    • Anna Butterss “Mighty Vertebrate”