The Boss OD-3 was the first pedal I bought, 25 years ago I think. It has endured severe treatment, lots of rehearsal and shows without fail. I always thought it did the job though I knew something better existed somewhere.
I then tested many candidates for its replacement, bought and resold ts9 variants, klon clones, mxr gt-od, ehx soulfood, crowther hot cake… Nothing wrong with all these pedals, but nothing magic either, and I always returned to my good old od-3.
As the boss recently showed signs of fatigue, I resumed my search and stumbled across the Green Rhino from Way Huge, a name I had heard back in the 90’s. I pulled the trigger and have no regrets. It has something very unique in its sound, a laid back character that really suits my style. The form factor is really cool, and the look is great. Even the packaging is great !
The quest is over I guess. For now.