

Tour Eiffel I usually don’t take these kind of shots as I’m more a nature/outdoor kind of guy, but in Paris now for work, I had my camera in my bag and my youngest daughter wanted an Eiffel Tower picture. I don’t regret upgrading to the x-t4 a few years back, being able to get this result with the camera handheld is really a game changer. No way I could have done that with my x-t1 without a tripod. In fact, I wouldn’t even have tried ! #photography

Could it be a doom folk album cover ? #photography

Mer de nuages Mer de nuages dans les Vosges la semaine dernière. #photography

Gazon de Faing Les belles lumières appartiennent à ceux qui se lèvent tôt. Lever de soleil depuis le Gazon de Faing, dans les Vosges #photography #vosges

I think maybe it will help some fellow fujifilm photographers.

Ok, this is what I did. Just remember I’m not a computer guy, it was a bit of a lucky guess.

First, find the « Nostalgic Neg » .xmp profile file for the X-T5. On macOS right click on the Lightroom Classic app and select «show package content » Then go to Contents—>Resources—>Settings—>Adobe—>Profiles—>Camera—>Fujifilm—>Fujifilm X-T5

Copy this file elsewhere, and open the copy in a text editor (I used Brackets).

Replace the line crs:CameraModelRestriction=“Fujifilm X-T5” by crs:CameraModelRestriction=“”

Also, change the name of the profile on line Camera NOSTALGIC Neg. Replace it by Camera NOSTALGIC Neg 2 for example.

Then save the file, make sure the extension remains « .xmp ». Finally import the profile in Lightroom via the file menu, and it should work.

#photography #fujifilm

Rothenbachkopf Tout juste de retour de cinq jours à crapahuter autour de la route des crêtes dans les Vosges. Les montagnes me manquent déjà… #photography